- a comprehensive database of all potential human SNVs within splicing consensus regions and their functional annotations
dbscSNV includes all potential human SNVs within splicing consensus regions (−3 to +8 at the 5’ splice site and −12 to +2 at the 3’ splice site), i.e. scSNVs, related functional annotations and two ensemble prediction scores for predicting their potential of altering splicing.
CURRENT VERSION (April 12, 2015): dbscSNV has been updated to v1.1 and added hg38 positions liftovered from its hg19 positions. dbscSNV1.1 is available for download from the BOX.
FIRST RELEASE (July 26, 2014): dbscSNV v1.0 is available for download from the BOX.
FIRST RELEASE (July 26, 2014): dbscSNV v1.0 is available for download from the BOX.
Attachment to dbNSFP
dbscSNV can be queried as an attached database for dbNSFP. More information can be found on the dbNSFP website.
Please cite:
Jian X, Boerwinkle E and Liu X. 2014. In silico prediction of splice-altering single nucleotide variants in the human genome. Nucleic Acids Research 42(22):13534-13544.
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